Necessities and strategies for using the third part in the scientific diplomacy of the Islamic world; Case study: Endowment Organization

Document Type : Original Article


1 isu

2 imam sadiq university

3 univercity of emam sadegh



In the conventional economics literature, the crystallization of the possibility of non-profit economic activities along with profit-making activities with the third sector of the economy, including benevolent activities, is found; the waqf entity can be considered as one of the institutions of the third sector in the Islamic world Examined. Among the important strategies for using the waqf entity is the idea of scientific diplomacy in the Islamic world.The issue of this research is the clarification of scientific diplomacy using the capabilities of the waqf institution and discovering its strategies. The method of data collection is library and its analysis is based on the method of the analysis of the subject. Based on the results of this study, three main themes and subjects that are related to the analysis of the content of related written sources are: Definition of Scientific Endowment Diplomacy, "The Need for Scientific Endowment Diplomacy" and "Endowment Diplomacy Strategies".The dangers of the current globalization, the need to create a regional and global Shiite force, the flood of Islamophobia and Shi'a, the need to activate the third part and the importance of diplomacy through the scientific centers reveal the need for scientific diplomacy through the institution of the waqf. Paying attention to new scientific developments, establishing coordination with other scientific centers of other countries to create joint research institutes, utilizing the components of pure Islamic discourse for regional and global convergence are among the most important strategies of scientific diplomacy endowed through scientific centers. They are.


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