Guide for Authors

Guide to preparing and submitting articles

Dear authors, to avoid delays in judging and timely publication of articles, the following points are considered.

Dear researchers, in order to submit an article, it is necessary to register in the "Login" section by entering the information and completing the form. After registering in the system, send your article with username and password.

A) Mandatory axes and preconditions:

The article should be in the field of international relations;

The issue should be innovative, scientifically processed and in line with current and up-to-date needs of international politics;

Observance of the principle of scientific neutrality;

The article should be prepared by university faculty members or under the supervision of a professor.

B) Suggested topics:

Political, security-military, economic and cultural issues in the regional and international spheres;

Iran's relations with countries in the region, powers and international institutions;

Pathology of relations between Iran and regional and international powers;

· Study of the theory, thought, ideology or thoughts of the Islamic world and Iran and its impact on the national interests of the Islamic Republic.
1. Bi-Quarterly Journal of Politics and International Relations welcomes articles published in doctoral dissertations, outstanding master's theses, as well as independent research projects if they contain principles and methods of research in the field.
2. PhD students can not be the authors of the article alone.
3. The article extracted from the student dissertation will be published jointly only under the name of the supervisor and the student.
4. Specify the level of education, academic rank, department, name of the faculty, university and city of the author's university (s) along with the contact phone number and e-mail address of the author responsible for the article.
5. It is necessary to determine the author responsible for the article. Therefore, be careful in introducing the responsible author.
6. The title of the article should be short, clear and adjusted from the content of the article. Do not use abbreviations in the title of the article and abstract.
7. Persian and English abstracts of the article should be presented in one paragraph and in a maximum of 250 words. The abstract should indicate the problem, purpose, method, findings and results of the research. Mention the keywords at the bottom of the abstract. In this section, a maximum of 5 keywords should be written in alphabetical order.
8. The article submitted was not published in another journal or was not submitted to other journals at the same time. It is necessary to send a written letter of commitment from the author in this regard along with the article.
9. Articles submitted with Lotus B font, font size 14, line spacing 1 and a minimum of 6000 words and a maximum of 8000 words and should be sent only through the publication system.
10. The citation method in the text of the article should be in APA style (in the text) and mentioning the author's family name, year of publication and page number in parentheses. For example: (Ghavam, 1394: 46) Also, the method of writing the specifications of sources and references at the end of the article based on the letters of the alphabet should be as follows.
11. No Latin words should be in the text of the article. It is necessary to bring the Persian pronunciation of the word in the original text and then the original Latin word in a footnote. This includes English, Russian and other languages.
12. This journal does not accept translated or purely theoretical articles.

Persian resources
If it is a book, the title of the book will be Bold and Italic.
- Ghavam, Abdolali (2011), Principles of Foreign Policy and International Policy, Tehran: Samat.
If it is an article, the title of the article is enclosed in quotation marks, but the name of the prominent quarterly is Bold and Italic.
· For a book or article that has two authors:
- Athari, Seyed Hossein and Massoud Droudy (2013), "A Comparative Study of Freedom from the Perspective of Imam Khomeini (RA) and Ayatollah Shahid Beheshti", Journal of the Islamic Revolution, Volume 3, Number 9, pp. 35-20.
Internet resources are also arranged in the style of an article.
Surname, author name, (year of publication or access), "title of the work", available at: site / site ID.
2012), "Opportunities and Challenges of Iran in the Caucasus",, (Accessed: 22/5/1396).

Latin resources
Latin sources are also arranged in the style of Persian sources.

Maisel, Sandy and Jeffrey Berry (2010), The Oxford Handbook Of American Political Parties and Interest Groups, New York: Oxford University Press. s

Herzog, Michael (2015), “Contextualizing Israeli Concerns about the Iran Nuclear Deal”, Policy Note, Vol. 2, No. 26. 6

-Aronson, Geoffrey (2015), “A New Era in US-Israel Relationship?” Http://

In in-text citations, if content from a source is repeated, it must be repeated exactly; Therefore, use the same words as before, or Ibid, op.cit.
In case of multiple sources from one author in one year, by adding (a) and (b) next to the year of publication, it should be specified, for example (Ghavam, 2016a A: 14), (Ghavam, 2016b: 46)

13. All text headings except introduction and conclusion should be numbered.
14. The sources used in the list of sources should be numbered in alphabetical order, the author's surname.
15. In arranging tables, diagrams and figures, it is necessary to observe the following points:

a. Table information should not be repeated in the form of diagrams or diagrams in the article. The number and title of the tables should be mentioned at the top and the number and title of the maps, shapes and diagrams at the bottom, and if they are obtained from