Trans-regional relations in the light of geo-economic perception: An assessment of China's energy diplomacy with Saudi Arabia

Document Type : Original Article



2 Master of State University of Managment moscow

3 political sceince, shahid bahonar univercity



The accuracy of China's energy situation shows that, on the one hand, the energy demand in this country is increasing strongly due to its economic growth and development, and on the other hand, due to the lack of domestic resources, the country's dependence on international resources. International is increasing. For this reason, the expansion of interaction with energy producing countries such as Saudi Arabia can provide the basis for mutual dependence. In fact, as the first major oil exporter in the world, Saudi Arabia has a high position not only in China's energy diplomacy, but also for all major and developed powers. The current research is trying to analyze and examine the position of Saudi Arabia in China's energy diplomacy. The findings of the research indicate that China attaches special importance to Saudi Arabia for several reasons: First, Saudi Arabia has been a reliable partner for customers. Second, Saudi Arabia is considered the largest exporter of oil.On the other hand, this country has the largest economy in the Arab countries, and finally, it is a very influential member of OPEC.The research method in this research is descriptive-analytical, and library and internet sources were used to collect information, and according to the topic, the official statistics of OPEC, British Petroleum and the Saudi Monetary Fund will be used.


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