The Position of China in Post-American World Literature (A Theoretical Review)

Document Type : Original Article


ATU Faculty of Law and Political Sciences



Post-American world literature refers to a set of political and international thinkers' and scholars' views about the possibility of the entry of new actors into the international system and transforming the international system from a unipolar world toward multipolarity. This research seeks to examine the various perspectives and attitudes presented in this area and show the position of China as a revisionist and dissatisfied actor in this literature. Focusing on this issue, the main question of this research is what is the position of China in post-American world literature? According to the findings and results of this research, Most of the views and attitudes presented in the area of Post-American World literature consider China as one of the most likely rivals of the United States in the future and many thinkers and scholars of international relations (such as John Mearsheimer, Fareed Rafiq Zakaria, Henry Kissinger, John Ikenberry and others) believe that China will be the main challenger of the international order in the new era. The author will answer this question through the analytical-descriptive method and using empirical evidence and facts. The primary data collection method in this research is the library and the data is analyzed through logical reasoning and empirical evidence.


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