Sino-U.S. Rivalry in Central Asia and its Implications for the Afghan Peace Process (2001-2020)

Document Type : Original Article


1 Yazd University

2 Faculty Member of Yazd University



The Central Asian region has a geostrategic position that has become a competitive place between the United States and China since the collapse of the Soviet Union, especially after the US presence in the region. By Using descriptive-analytical research method and data collection through library studies, the article tries to answer the question of what are the implications of Sino-U.S. rivalry in Central Asia for the peace process in Afghanistan (2001-2020). The paper examines the issue of research in the conceptual framework of the competition of great powers. To answer this question, the implications are categorized and analyzed based on economic, security, political, and cultural spheres. The findings of the article show that despite the fact that in some sub-branches of economic and security fields, there are common interests between the United States and China, the conflicts of interest between the two countries are more intense in all spheres. The study shows that although the common interests of the two countries have had positive consequences, such as weakening Central Asian terrorist groups that are active in Afghanistan, weakening al-Qaeda, weakening ISIS, internalizing Taliban ideology, and strengthening the international community among Taliban decision-makers, Widespread conflicts of interest between China and the United States in the Central Asian region have complicated the peace process in Afghanistan.


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