Explain the nature and goals of Trump's aggressive approach towards the Islamic Republic of Iran and its security and military consequences

Document Type : Original Article


Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, Payame Noor University



Donald Trump's aggressive policies against the Islamic Republic of Iran created the most tensions and challenges between the two countries. This article aims to explain the nature of Trump's aggressive approach towards the Islamic Republic of Iran and analyze its security and military consequences. The author tries to provide a reasoned answer to the question: why did Trump adopt aggressive policies against the Islamic Republic of Iran? The paper hypothesizes that the lack of hegemony desired by neoconservatives in the West Asian region (Middle East) has been the most crucial reason for such policies. The article is descriptive, using the theory of realist hegemony and written and virtual sources and analytical methods. The research findings show that Donald Trump's aggressive policies against the Islamic Republic of Iran have created the most tensions and challenges between the two countries. Restoring US domination in the form of rejecting Obama's theory, , Rupture of convergence among the Shiite resistance front, security of the Zionist regime, development of militarism in the region With the focus on intensifying the confrontation between Wahhabi and Shiite ideologies, it all reveals the nature of Trump's aggressive approach to the Islamic Republic of Iran. Consequently, the lack of hegemony desired by neoconservatives in the West Asian region is the most important reason for such a policy.


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