Turkey's security goals in the Gap project and its impact on Iran

Document Type : Original Article


Graduated from Mazandaran University



By implementing the Gap dam project on the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, Turkey has the exclusive right to use it and controls the water flowing to the downstream countries. This factor has the dissatisfaction of these countries and has created problems, especially in terms of security, for the neighboring countries. Considering the effects of the GAP project exploitation on the downstream countries, the article raises the question, what political and security goals does Turkey pursue in the construction of GAP project dams? And what effect will the construction of these dams have on Iran's security? With a research approach and using the Copenhagen school, the article has taken into account the assumptions that the GAP project has changed its nature over several decades according to the declared policies of Turkey and has turned from a technical and development tool into a security issue. By exploiting this dam, Turkey is pursuing hegemonic goals, taking control of the Kurds in the region, and also seeking to exchange oil and water in the region. Also, the effects of this project on Iran can be mentioned as jeopardizing identity security, environmental hazards, soil salinity, and food and agricultural security, which are discussed in the article.


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