Iran-Ukraine in times of crisis and its impact on relations with Russia

Document Type : Original Article


1 Master’s degree of regional studies at Yazd University, Iran

2 Ph.D North American Studies, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran



There were signs of expanding Iran-Ukraine relations and, consequently, cooperation between the two countries; But on the other hand, the Islamic Republic of Iran has wider relations with Russia. Thus, despite this war (2022), expansion and interaction with Ukraine could affect Iran-Russia relations. Therefore, the present study, assuming the expansion and desire to improve bilateral relations between Iran and Ukraine, as well as Russia's sensitivities in this regard, seeks to answer these two questions: " What effect does the expansion of Iran-Ukraine relations have on Iran's relations with Russia? " And " What is Ukraine's goal in expanding ties with Iran ? " Are. The method of answering these questions is descriptive-analytical. Findings show that Iran should try to make the most of the opportunity close to the EU and create opportunities in the field of energy security, including the transfer of gas to Europe, while relying on the existing socio-political realities in Ukraine. It must adjust to Ukraine in such a way that it does not become embroiled in tensions between the parties involved in the region outside the " near outside " of Russia. Because the continuation of relations with Russia is a " privileg" against the West.


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