China's institutional balancing strategies to challenge the international order

Document Type : Original Article


International Relations, Faculty of Humanities, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran



China is one of the most important emerging powers that has brought the international order into a period of systemic change, i.e. polarity change. In this way, during the last years, China has followed an active role in multilateral international institutions; Because international institutions, as a constituent part of the international order, are very important for changing the international order. One of the mysteries of the institutional behavior of this country has been its different strategies in order to benefit from different institutions.In this article, the author has tried to explain China's strategic attitude and behavior towards various international institutions. The main question in front of the article is what strategies China has used in different institutions to challenge the international order led by the United States? The findings of the research show that China, as one of the dissatisfied powers of some elements of the order, has relied on multilateral institutions and "inclusive" and "exclusive" institutional balancing strategies to challenge the international structural order. The research method of the article is also a historical method with a descriptive-analytical approach. Collecting the data and information required for the research has also been done by reading documents –libraries in which are used books, articles, documents and internet resources.


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