A Study on change and continuity Factors in US political-security strategy in the Middle East(2001-2021)

Document Type : Original Article


1 Ph.D Student in International Relations,Islamic Azad University, Qom, Iran.

2 Assistant Professor, Department of International Relations, Imam Sadeq (AS) University, Tehran, Iran

3 Assistant Professor, Department of International Relations, Islamic Azad University, Qom, Iran



A Study on change and continuity Factors in US political-security strategy in the Middle East(2001-2021)
The Middle East has always been one of the most important strategic regions in world politics in the twentieth century due to its geopolitical position and geo-economics characteristics. In fact, the Middle East after more than six centuries, in the twentieth century, again become heartland of international relations. This article seeks to examine the factors influencing the importance of the Middle East in the grand strategy of the United States, to address the main question: what are the most important factors affecting change and continuity of US political-security strategy in the Middle East after 9/11? The hypothesis of this descriptive-analytical study is based on the extent of US dependence on regional energy, the arms trade, the role of lobbies, the policy of producing security and insecurity in the Middle East as a trans-regional hegemony, and the emergence of new governmental and non-governmental actors that challenge US hegemony, and in particular its efforts to contain China and pivot to Asia policy are the most important factors affecting change and continuity in US political-security strategy in the Middle East over the past two decades.
Keywords: Strategy, Middle East, USA, Iran, National Security.


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