Military diplomacy and Foreign Policy of United States of America

Document Type : Original Article





US foreign policy seeks to sustain and support international influence and position, as well as to ensure the security of itself and its strategic partners in the face of various challenges, in order to achieve the macro-policies outlined in its National Security Strategy document. To achieve this issues, the US military largely plays an active and effective role in advancing foreign policy goals. In this regard, the US Department of Defense, in addition to the common intimidation methods that are generally expected from the military on the battlefield, has increased military cooperation and carried out peaceful missions such as HA/DR, Troop Training or Stabilization Operations to prevent or control threats. Such actions are in line with the realities of the last two decades, such as the emergence of new security challenges and the growth of negative attitudes towards American unilateral actions among nations. This article seeks to address the soft components of US military power that are defined in terms of military diplomacy and smart power, and to assess their impact on the conduct of the country's foreign policy. The main question is what effect has US military diplomacy had on the country's foreign policy? The research hypothesis expresses the view that Military diplomacy promotes the goals and objectives defined in the national security strategy and US foreign policy by creating a positive impact on the nation-state perspective, shaping the international environment, expanding the operational environment, maintaining global influence and access.
