Three-Level Analysis of the Political-Economic Obstacles to Raisie Administration's to Pursuing Health Diplomacy in the Middle East

Document Type : Original Article


member of political science department at yasouj university



The main foreign policy priority of the 13th Administration has been to develop relations with its neighbors and Middle Eastern countries. One of the neglected areas in this relationship over the past decades has been the issue of health diplomacy. The purpose of this article is to examine the political-economic obstacles to Iran's foreign policy for the development of health diplomacy in the Middle East. So, the main question of the research is what are the most important obstacles facing the 13th Administration to advance health diplomacy in the Middle East? The main hypothesis of the research emphasizes the existence of these barriers at three levels: national, regional and international. To answer the main question, a qualitative method with an analytical-explanatory approach has been used. Findings show that Pursuing health diplomacy affects the development of countries' political-economic relations as much as it ensures global security and health, and Iran can make it a priority in its regional policy. Today, the need for this diplomacy is felt more than ever in Iran's foreign policy. Given the prevalence of coronavirus in the world and in Iran, the steps taken by Iran are not enough. Removing obstacles to health diplomacy requires tough decisions in the international arena, national planning, détente, and trust-making at the regional level.
