Consequences and effects of Britain's exit from the European Union at domestic, regional and international levels according to Alexander Went's theory

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, Political Thought, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran

2 M.Sc., Regional Studies, European Orientation, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

3 Master, Political Science, Azad University, Central Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran



Britain's withdrawal from the EU following a referendum in 2016 has political, economic, social and political consequences Following and choosing can have important implications for the future of the European Union.
In this study, using Alexander Went's constructivist method, the consequences of Britain's withdrawal from the European Union have been considered. As the method of structuralist analysis is not only the material consequences of this exit from the EU Rather, these implications have been examined in terms of meaning, culture, and identity
Including the strengthening of right-wing currents within Britain and the issue of immigrants and And unemployment and the spread of terrorism and the identity crisis that has arisen inside
Britain has been one of the main reasons for leaving the EU
The main question of this research is what are the consequences of Britain's withdrawal from the European Union
What are the pros and cons of international relations?
And the hypothesis of this research is that Britain is leaving the European Union
It will not lead to incoherence in the EU but will lead to greater European cohesion in the fight against terrorism, despite the diminished role
Europe at the UN Security Council over the UK veto
And this exit can be effective in the fight against terrorism and the establishment of the peace process
Keyword: Brexit, Constructivism, Terrorism, Alexandre Wendt


Main Subjects