Russia's new approaches towards GCC countries

Document Type : Original Article


school of international relation



Russia's policy towards the Persian Gulf region, especially since the beginning of the second millennium until now- while paying attention to some historical goals and also under the influence of internal developments and new regional and global mechanism- Includes new motivations. In this article, the authors seek to provide a convincing answer to this question: given Russia's multilateralism approach and its efforts to link geopolitical goals and geo-economics incentives in the Persian Gulf region what are the goals of Russia's new approach to the GCC countries? According to the hypothesis of this study, Russia's new approach to the GCC countries, after the developments in 2011 and according to the type of policies and differences of members, as well as developments in the Middle East and the Persian Gulf, in three groups "Saudi Arabia, UAE and Bahrain", "Kuwait and Oman" and "Qatar" are divided and the council is not seen as a united organization and bloc. This approach is based on multilateralism and is pursued in connection with geopolitical and geo-economics goals. In contrast, the GCC countries have expanded political, economic, scientific and military ties with Russia in order to maximize their interests, as well as to diversify their relations with the United States and the West.
