Evaluate the policy of international institutions towards the Corona epidemic in Iran (with emphasis on the political economy of Neo – Gramscians)

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD student in Political Science, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Tehran, Iran

2 Master of International Relations, Shahid Beheshti University of Tehran

3 Master of Political Science, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad



The Kuwait-19 global pandemic enabled the various dimensions of this global crisis to be explored and evaluated. One of the most important issues for our country is the policy-making of international institutions in the face of Iran in the time and context of global crises. Influenced by global power blocs and hegemony, global institutions are replacing their policy-making approach with a policy-making approach.
The authors try to start the cause of these crises from the critique of late capitalism and the harms and challenges arising from it, using the framework of neo-modernism. Then, by emphasizing the role of international institutions in global politics, answer the question: what is the relationship between these institutions and the late capitalist system and its representatives? Then answer the main question of the article, what is the reason for the contradictory behaviors of these institutions and non-governmental actors towards Iran, which is affected by the Corona epidemic, by the method of transcendental theoretical literature of neo-settlers in international political economy. The hypothesis of this research is that the simplistic understanding of the international system does not thoroughly explore the mechanism of international cooperation, and therefore the hegemon has sought a biased formulation of global policy with a hierarchical structure.
