Incomplete Nation-State building based recent Middle East Crisis

Document Type : Original Article


1 Graduate of the Faculty of Law, Theology and Political Science, Branch of Science and Research, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

2 FuLL Professor for Department of Political Sciences, Faculty of Economic & Political Sciences, Tehran, Iran



This study seeks to analyze the effects of the colonial nation-state project on the emergence of new states in Middle East and its impact on recent Middle East crises.Following the collapse of the Ottoman Empire,the new Middle East governments emerged.These emerging states were born with the involvement of the colonial powers of the time in determining geopolitical and political boundaries.This colonial division,irrespective of the demographic context of the region,made these governments themselves the center of crisis in the Middle East.One of the consequences of this was the creation of very shaky social faults,which have appeared in the area of ​​revisionist reactions to the order at the national level.In fact, three obstacles to Pan-Arabism,Pan-Islamism, and finally to Kurds in recent decades have paved the way for the state-building of the nation-state in the Middle East.Contrary to European trends,the Middle East has never allowed these three barriers to institutionalized nationhood,resulting in the emergence of crisis at various levels of government born from the borders of the Ottoman Empire in the years following World War I.It is noteworthy that the present research is a descriptive-analytical method and a general outline of state-nation-building has been presented using theories of state-nation-building to generalize the research


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