Regional Geopolitical Rivalries in the Middle East: Implications for Europe

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor of International Relations, Faculty of Humanities, Islamic Azad University, Rafsanjan Branch, Rafsanjan, Iran

2 PhD Student in International Law, Islamic Azad University, Kish Branch, Kish, Iran



Abstract :Abstract: The Middle East faces a fragile and turbulent decade ahead. A forceful obstacle to sustainable peace and development in the region has been the heated rivalry unfolding between Iran and those countries opposed to it led by Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Israel, and strongly supported by the US. The Donald Trump administration’s aggressive stance on Iran is likely to fuel the regional tensions. The question is, "What are the consequences of the geopolitical rivalry between Iran and Saudi Arabia in the European countries and how can the European Union play a role in the process of stability and security in the Middle East?" Its a hypothesis, European actors need to delicately navigate the region’s geopolitical tensions and use the limited leverage they have to push against the current trend towards greater instability and perhaps a wider interregional and global conflict. The findings of this research have shown that if Europe does not act decisively on the issues of the Middle East and Iran's nuclear agreement and does not resist American unilateralism, Europe will face problems in the Middle East, including the refugee crisis and security problems. This research is a descriptive-analytical and Futurology research method.


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