Investigating the Political-Security Consequences of Turkish-Israeli Relations on the Middle East Region 2017-1990

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Yazd University, Yazd, Iran

2 Graduate of Regional Studies, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Yazd University, Yazd, Iran



Turkish-Israeli relations created a political-security and military alliance in the Middle East. This alliance had many effects on the countries of the Middle East. With the rise to power of the Justice and Development Party and the implementation of the Strategic Depth Doctrine, Turkey has begun a new level of political-security relations in the region.Playing a mediating role in regional equations between Israel,other Arab countries has given Turkey more maneuverability and turned Turkey from a single Israeli ally into a strategic leader in the region. Turkey was trying to gain a leading position among the countries of the region in the shadow of implementing the strategy of strategic depth. The expression of new values by Turkish leaders has led to confrontation with Israel and political-military tensions in the region. the main question of this article is, what are the consequences of the relations between Turkey and Israel between 1990-2107 in the Middle East?The findings of this study show that the establishment of political-security alliances in the Middle East, the implementation of the strategy of strategic depth and its reflection in Turkish-Israeli relations, the security consequences of Turkish-Israeli relations under the Persian Gulf, Iran, Shamat sub-system, Israel's isolation from isolation. Politics has been one of the consequences of Turkish-Israeli political-security relations. In this study, the authors used the resources of library-documentary, internet and descriptive-analytical approaches to examine the consequences of the political-security relations between Turkey and Israel from 1990-2017 with a more comprehensive view.


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