Greenland: New Geopolitical Hotspot

Document Type : Original Article


assistant professor, Bu Ali Sina University, hamedan, Iran



The melting of ice, could change international power relations. The discovery of new maritime routes, the shortening of communication route between the west and the east, the discovery of strategic resources, the issue of disputed borders, the Canada-Norway conflict, tensions between the United States and republic of China, and etc., can be examined in this context. The main question is why the Greenland can change the Geo-politics and power politics in the international context? The hypothesis of present research is formulated in such a way that the competition between the internal and external powers of the region, the Geo-economy and changing regional and international regimes have made Greenland as a new Geo political Hotspot in the regional and international system, and affecting power relations in the international system. The aim of this study is to elucidate the interactions of Geo-economics and Geo-politics in the Greenland region (as a Danish territory) and turn it into a Hotspot in the future of international relations and international system. This study is in terms of purpose, developmental, in terms of method, descriptive- explanatory and in terms of, information gathering, library study method.Key Words;


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