Explaining the Impact of the Syrian Government's Fragility on the Internal and Regional Security of the Islamic Republic of Iran

Document Type : Original Article


1 internatinal relations phd of Allameh tabatabaei

2 grand master of IR IN ALL.T.T



The Syrian crisis began in 2011 and its internationalization was due to the presence of regional and supra-regional actors, the occurrence of numerous internal violence, the displacement of thousands of Syrian citizens, and the destruction of its economic infrastructure and the inability of this government to Meeting the basic needs of its citizens; The heavy shadow of the fragility of the government of this land in the Middle East has increased and has affected the security of many regional governments, including Iran. Therefore, this research, with a descriptive-analytical research method, seeks to answer the question of what security threats has the fragility of the Syrian government posed to Iran? The temporary answer is that Iran's perception of the Syrian government's fragility has posed threats to it, both domestically and regionally; These threats include the threat to territorial integrity and national cohesion, the threat to its geopolitical and geostrategic depth, and the threat to the ideological balance in the region. The findings of this study, using the theory of defensive neorealism, are based on the fact that Iran, in addition to uniting with supra-regional powers such as Russia to strengthen the axis of resistance as its proxy arm, to prevent the Syrian government from overflowing with fragility threats. In the region and trying to keep the Assad government in power with its military presence in Syria, it has posed a threat to balance. The method of collecting information and data in this research is based on the library and Internet methods.


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