China-US political-economic relations in the great game of the century

Document Type : Original Article


1 Master of Political Science, Mazandaran University, Babolsar, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Islamic Azad University, Kermanshah Branch, Department of Political Science, Kermanshah, Iran

3 Master's degree in International Relations, Islamic Azad University, Kermanshah, Kermanshah, Iran.



With the end of the bipolar system, the United States claimed to be the most powerful state in the international system, but the world order went further than other powers with long-term and strategic plans to challenge the country. China is one of these great powers that, given the potential to become a hegemon and take over America's current status, as a shrewd actor, has raised many concerns for US strategists and officials. Many consider US-China relations as the most important bilateral relations in terms of their effects and consequences on international politics and system, and regard their changing behaviors as fully calculated and rational in terms of playing and political tactics.
The purpose of this study is to examine the changing behavior of US and China in the relations of these two countries, so this article seeks to answer the main question of what is the result of US-China political and economic games and how does it lead to convergence or divergence between Within this framework, the research hypothesis is that competitions between China and the US in economic and political spheres are the result of the choice of the two countries' best international relations decisions that each actor plays at each stage of the game., With their particular game of choice, and these choices lead to convergence or divergence in their relationships.


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