Regionalism in Africa from the School of Copenhagen

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor of International Relations, Faculty of Humanities, Tehran East Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.

2 Graduate Student, International Relations Department, Electronic Unit, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.



For a long time, African leaders have long been working to bring about the continent's development, taking into account the internal and international developments, while adopting a regionalization strategy for the unification of the African continent. With the establishment and emergence of the "African Unity Organization" and the evolution of its development, which led to the creation of the African Union in the field of structural equations in the African region, an intra-regional mechanism was established among the member states in order to comprehensively address political factors , Economic, cultural, common security, and promote the process of regional cooperation and regionalism. The security and economic situation in the African region, both under the influence of both state actors and transnational actors, has created a process of regionalism development that has prevented the prospects and objectives from being achieved easily.
On the other hand, in line with developments in the world and the region, African countries have recognized the need for greater solidarity and solidarity to meet the goals of the African Union in order to cope with the challenges facing Africa. In this paper, to study the regional convergence process in Africa, in addition to examining the structural barriers in Africa, the discussion of security issues and its implications for African growth and development is considered as a decisive element.
The authors are trying to examine the regionalization in Africa using the Copenhagen School with a descriptive-analytical approach.


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