The Probable Effects of Korean Reunification on the National Interests of Islamic Republic of Iran

Document Type : Original Article


1 M.A in Regional Studies, School of International Relations Ministry of Foreign Affairs

2 Associate Professor at the Department of Diplomacy and International Organizations, School of International Relations Ministry of Foreign Affairs



Islamic Republic of Iran is among the very few states which has established strong amicable relations with both North and South Korea and maintains these relationships over the years despite all of the difficulties. On the other hand, intensification of crisis in Korean peninsula and the continuing debates on its reunification can deeply affect the national interests of Islamic Republic of Iran due to the uncertainty of Korean peninsula future and the power relations in it. The authors believe that, Korean reunification will bring about both opportunities and challenges for Islamic Republic of Iran as well as the global and regional powers; however, there is a great possibility that fulfillment of this reunification restricts our national interest in the peninsula, rather than its reinforcement. In this regard, the present essay in addition to reviewing the background of Islamic Republic of Iran's relations with both North and South Korea, will evaluate the most likely and significant scenarios of Korean reunification, and thus, it will consider the probable impacts of this event on the national interests of Islamic Republic of Iran.


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