Explaining the Causes of AKP's Change Behavior towards Turkish Kurds based on James Rosenau’s Continuity Theory

Document Type : Original Article


member of political science department at yasouj university



When the Justice and Development Party (AKP) took power in 2002, a new look at the issue of the Kurds created in Turkey. During the governing of this party by 2014, the process of reaching a final peace with the Kurds was followed in a way that was very promising, but from this year onward over and over, the process of peace and the Kurdish problem solving was reversed and some unrest took place in many parts of the Kurdish regions. The main research question is what were the causes of AKP's change behavior towards Kurds after 2014? The research hypothesis emphasizes Erdogan's rise to power and his shift to authoritarianism. For this research, James Rosenau’s theory and descriptive-analytic method have been used. Findings of the research show that although Erdogan's authoritarianism after 2014 and Entrance the People's Democratic Party to the country's parliament has played a prominent role in the emergence of this situation but the role of external factors can’t be ignored. The emergence of ISIS and getting into power of Syrian Kurds in northern parts of the country and also the disappointment with the process of joining the European Union are the most important external factors in this regard. Thus, according to James Rosenau's continuity theory, the two variables of the individual and the international system have the most influence on the behavior of the Turkish government towards the Kurds.


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