Studying Iran - Russia Relations with Emphasis on Syria Crisis

Document Type : Original Article


1 Associate Professor of International Relations Kharazmi University of Tehran

2 MA in International Relation, Shahid Beheshti University

3 Graduate Student of International Relations at Kharazmi University of Tehran


Russia within the framework of Eurasian politics Seeking to strengthen its relations with Middle Eastern countries and achieving the goals and interests of Moscow, That's why he turned himself into a key Actor in the Syrian crisis. Russia's activities in the Middle East and conflict in the Syrian crisis, increased communication and cooperation with Iran. Current Russian and Iranian contacts, in history on after Soviet collapse Unprecedented. Russian and Iranian authorities a solid foundation of bilateral dialogue and cooperation have established, but despite the potential for engagement and collaboration, The strategic alliance is not formed between the two countries And there are still serious obstacles that can even stop this cooperation. accordingly, The question arises as follows, Russian Eurasian Politics How has the Russian relationship with Iran been influenced and What role has the Syrian crisis played in this relationship? The hypothesis which the research is based is that, Russian Eurasian Politics Has highlighted Iran's position in Russian foreign policy And relatively continuous relationships Two countries in the Syrian crisis Has caused a change in Tehran-Moscow relations, But the structural factors of the international and regional system Has prevented strategic and strategic unification of the two countries. The present study uses library and internet data And written descriptive-analytical method And to see the scientific and exact findings of the research The theoretical approach to structural realism has been used.


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