Saudi-American Military Relations Review

Document Type : Original Article


1 Academic Member of Allameh Tabataba'i University

2 PhD Student of International Relations, Allameh Tabataba'i University


For decades, Saudi Arabia and the United States have maintained extensive relations in all fields, including oil and weapons, in a tightly-construed manner. Saudi Arabia is the most important importer of weapons and military equipment from the United States and this makes it profitable for large arms companies in the country. As the number of military equipment imports increased several times over the past years, with the increase in Saudi Arabia's regional disputes. The important question is »how increasing in the volume and number of weapons from Saudi Arabia affects the military structure and military maneuverability of the country in regional developments? This article seeks to highlight the fact that a quantitative increasing in military equipment to the most modern types of military weapons and weapons is not an alone determining factor in increasing the military strength of a country. Rather, other important factors such as access to military daytime knowledge, adequate human resources, military intelligence and the production of tactics and new war strategies, weapons localization and military unreliability should be considered. Not paying attention to these issues, and Saudi Arabia's emphasis on a quantitative increase, coupled with military and military dependence on the great powers, especially the United States is one of the important factors that have not led to an increase in the effectiveness of the country's military power in the area of regional change.


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