The role of international media in the birth and development of a discourse International

Document Type : Original Article


Member of Faculty of Communications Sciences Allameh Tabataba'i University


In this paper, we have attempted to present the process of birth and development of discourses as well as their bill and expansion. This article claims that every discourse derives from the relation between events and interpretations. This means that every discourse gets its identity in the context of interpretations. As interpretations are based on rational reasoning and critical debate, and as one of the forms of reflection of social awareness, they create a way to deal with thoughts and ideas, leading to a dialogue between journalism and society. In fact, journalism, through commentary, engages in events that are debating and poses questions to them and changes their geometry and content, which ultimately leads to the emergence of discourse. In fact, many of the issues that come up in a society as "discourse" are issues that are analyzed by the media and repeated interpretations. This paper, with a descriptive analytical approach, wants to answer the question that how "commentary" acts as a major journalistic genre in the production of discourses, and how discourses are expanded and expanded, and this situation at a level how does international journalism happen?


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