Water crisis and Regional security in Persian Gulf

Document Type : Original Article


1 Member of Faculty of Law and Political Science, Shiraz University

2 Graduated from Gulf Studies, University of Shiraz


In the last decades, the Persian Gulf region had encountered one of the most dangerous crisis that it can produce political crisis. Water crisis as a environmental factor seems, in not far future, probably will change the region conditions to out of control position. This article aim is to evaluate of water crisis impacts on the Persian Gulf regional security. The problem that the article is seek to answer it, is what are the main impacts of water crisis on the Persian gulf countries security? And what are the important regional solutions to resolve and manage of it? As a hypothesis, the article with emphasis regional analysis level and descriptive- explanative method argues the problem of water shortcomings in longtime can change to environmental crisis and it seems conflicts and finally war will be inevitable in the future. The findings of the article shows some solutions and instruments can be useful to mitigate consequences of the crisis. The instruments are included: collective management methods such as common cooperation to optimal use of water resources, common investments in infrastructure of water resources, sea water infiltration, developments of gathering machines to sewerage and peaceful cooperation of institution in regional level to mitigate of political tensions and consequences.


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