The evolutions of international system after the cold war and the new variations of force balanc

Document Type : Original Article


University of Gilan


Realism paradigm for assuming power phobia international system, this  theory has supposed security-seeking and continuance guarantee by self-assistance as the mast important characteristic of international system, in turn, this makes the reproduction of the endless cycle of security puzzle. Realists know the only way for domination on security puzzle in putting power against power, labeled the so called force balance or power balance. But after the destruction of the past soviet union and dying two-polar system and remaining the united states in international system as the only super-power. The prediction of the establishment of a balance from the realists was met with problems. In this article, the goal is that we express that the realist thinker not only have been coordinated against these criticisms but also have paid in different way, to the explanation of this evolution, after the distraction of two-power system which this bold effort, in addition to responding to critics is considered an important factor in the evolution and resurrection of the theory of force balance and the so-called updating this research method applied in this study is analytic at descriptive.


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