The Fragile Middle East & Transition from Tourism to Terrorism

Document Type : Original Article


university of mazandaran


Industry of Tourism Attraction is an effective factor to achieve sustainable development. The impact of terrorism on the tourism industry can be enormous. The Middle East was an Attractive Destination for Tourists. However, now it is an attraction destination for terrorists. The main question in this research is what are the impact of terrorism on tourism attraction in the Middle Eastern countries? And How Middle Eastern Countries can resolve and reduce this challenge? Hypothetically, terrorism is an enigmatic and compelling phenomenon, and its relationship with tourism is complex and multifaceted. If the security situation level decrease, the tourism attraction will be reduced too. Middle East now is confronted by a sort of security dilemma. Security has been decreased and Terrorist Groups are interested in coming to the Region. According to this situation sustainable development would not be achieved. This paper aims to clarify this relationship and compare the attraction of terrorism and tourism. Theoretically, this research is based on the concept of the fragile states situation. Methodologically, I use descriptive-analytical and Methods with Emphasis on international statistics.


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