A Comparative Study about Function of United Nations Security Council on the I.R. of Iran and North Korea's Nuclear File

Document Type : Original Article


1 university of esfahan

2 university of alame tabatabai


Security Council of U.N. has a duty to keep international peace and security. Islamic Republic of Iran and North Koreas nuclear crisis are the crisis that has led to International Community to think about them. The goal of this study is to find out how is the performance of the Security Council regarding Iran and North Koreas nuclear program. The assumption is that the performance of the Security Council regarding the nuclear case of these two countries was discriminatory. The aim of this study was to evaluate the implementation of resolution by the Security Council regarding the nuclear program of Iran and North Korea. Findings show that both countries are subject of economic sanctions, political pressure and military threats. While North Korea has declared explicitly that, they want atomic energy for military use, Iran has repeatedly stated that its attention of nuclear energy is for peaceful purposes and is committed to NPT.


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