American Enterprise Institute and Its Effect on the US Foreign Policy Against Islamic Republic of Iran

Document Type : Original Article


1 Graduate School of Management & Economics, Sharif University of Technology, Blvd

2 Associate Professor of International Relations,Allameh Tabataba"I University

3 Imam Reza International University



American Enterprise Institute (AEI) is a think tank that has a leading role in shaping US republicans’ foreign policy. The current study applies a descriptive-analytic method and the Game Theory to indicate the role of AEI in shaping US foreign policy against Iran. This study follows a descriptive-analytic method to content-analyze AEI’s published reports on Iran. The present study also adopts a statistical approach to calculate the weight and share of Iran related reports that are published at this think tank. The results indicate that AEI’s policy against Iran, including the six categories of Middle East, Intelligence, Defense, Terrorism, Latin America and Critical Threats’ Center has a significant effect in shaping Trump administration’s Iran foreign policy. According to the statistical data, about 85 percent of AEI’s reports on Iran, concentrate on Middle East and Terrorism, highlighting the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps’ (IRGC) threats, General Ghasem Suleimani's assassination and the development of US withdrawal from JCPOA. Finally, the application of Game Theory and analysis of this think tank's strategies toward the withdrawal of US from JCPOA indicates that other choices of US against Iran will reduce the efficiency of desired Iran diplomacy. Therefore, US withdrawal from JCPOA will result in a Nash Equilibrium between the two countries and they won't be reluctant to get out of this equilibrium state.


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